Rooting Ourselves
in the People’s Medicine

Are you confident and sure of your skills as an herbalist?

Is your “brand” of family medicine rooted in Big Pharma?
Or are you firmly rooted in The People’s Medicine?

It would be helpful, even exciting, definitely efficient and certainly timely to have a person at home, in-house, skilled in the making of herbal medicines?

After completing Rooting Ourselves you can be that person!

A person who has some foundational experience and is able to offer appropriate remedies at an appropriate time; someone who can blend herbs and offer a variety of formulas; a person who is keen to stock a home medicine chest; someone who knows something about just which questions to ask before dispensing an herbal formula to ensure safety. Yes, this could be you.

Once a month, on Saturdays - from February through September, our focus will be on beginning to build these necessary herbal skills so that you could be this person. The person that is central to the health of your family, a coterie of friends, colleagues and acquaintances  … even able to care for yourself! 

Saturdays we’ll walk and talk, build a seasonal materia medica (medical materials), work through handouts, recipes and yes, work with herbs - often fresh, sometimes dried. 

We’ll spend a short portion of our time together talking growing, foraging and focusing on habitat and ID, while over lunches we’ll talk concoctions and decoctions (!), teas that we’ve sampled and blended since last we met, and our individual journeys.

From planning, appropriate storage and harvesting, to dispensing - we’ll cover it all - with recipes, handouts, herbal profiles, safety, dosing and even first aid remedies. 

Your medicine cabinet will be full come September!

We’ll practice asking questions and making any number of preparations as we explore the appropriateness of delivery systems, from oils and other topicals, to oxymels, tinctures and glycerites; from familial and cultural culinary traditions to those unfamiliar, representing differing cultures and the many and varied ways to support healing.

We’ll explore common - and not-so common - conditions that we contend with annually, seasonally, even monthly. We’ll talk about how and why. Our conversations will extend beyond herbs. Our focus will be towards meaningful ways to build holistic protocols..

So very much has moved online, but personally speaking, I learn more hands-on.

“Does this look right?” is a difficult question to answer online!

All materials will be provided, from handouts and notebooks to herbs and necessary supplies for our work each month; from recipes and dosing guidelines to samples to explore when we come together. 

You’ll be offered everything that you need to build a medicine chest that meets your needs and supports well-being.

Our focus will be on how to work with people and plants; making and taking a wide variety of preparations; dosing and strategies for formulating.

We’ll meet once a month on Saturdays** 10-5PM, in person. These in-person sessions will be followed by Tuesday night online discussions about 2 weeks later. 

If you’re familiar with medicinal herb but unsure about details, this series for you. If you’ve some experience with medicinals and would like to take your knowledge and experience to the next level, this program is for you. If you’re interested but worried about time, or if the series is a good fit, please reach out. Let’s see.

There are only 9 places for this in-person series. If you’re interested in reserving a place, please email me.  

Fee: $899 when registering by January 15th; $950 thereafter. Payment plans are available. A $100 nonrefundable deposit is due when reserving your place. Bring a friend and make it even more fun!

** Rooting Ourselves will be held in-person here in Erie on Saturday February 22nd, March 22nd, April 26th, May 31st, June 21st, July 26th, August 23rd and September 27th from 10-5PM.

Additionally, we’ll come together online each month on a Tuesday evening to work through some nitty gritty. Tuesday evenings will be recorded and are scheduled for March 11th, April 8th, May 6th, June 10th, July 8th, August 5th and September 9th from 7-9PM

If you've questions about joining Rooting Ourselves, please complete the form below & I'll be in touch .