Spring Beauties Medicine Making Series
It all begins with an idea. The idea is quite extraordinary.
To make medicines from local sustainably harvested medicinal herbs
to support health and wellness naturally.
Cleavers, also known as Lady’s bedstraw, Sticky Willy & Galium aparine
(cyanotype 2021)
Each spring, important medicinals emerge and quickly disappear. The Ephemerals.
Their value cannot be overlooked. This 6-part series is a deep dive into ephemeral medicine.
The objective of this series is to explore the properties of these medicinals
and, via appropriate medicine making, to ensure their availability to us throughout the year.
We’ll be working exclusively with medicinal herbs that thrive in-and-around the northeast,
with attention to with safety, sustainable harvesting and plant identification.
We will be making teas, decoctions, hydrosols, syrups, tinctures, vinegars, oxymels, glycerins and oils.
We’ll discuss technique and the advantages of each medicinal & culinary preparation.
Everything will be supplied.
Each participant will stock their own medicine chest with the medicinals that they make.
Handouts will support the development of transferable skills.
We will meet Saturdays in person, 10-2PM, on 4/27, 5/11 & 6/1
and online Thursdays 7-8PM 4/18, 5/2, 5/23.
Fee $395. Let’s talk if you would like to discuss a payment plan.